User Stories
Terms & Conditions:

  1. You should follow us on our Instagram page.
  2. Write your story in English without any mistakes in detail with all necessary information.
  3. It Should be your Own intellectual property, should not be copied from any others.
  4. The Story Owner is completely responsible for the content sent.
  5. The Ytowait Team just verifies and publishes the story. Only few selected good stories will be published as we have a limit.
  6. You can send up to 5 images which explains your story. These images should be relevant to your content.
  7. You need to mention your email id and social media profiles(your Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages links)
  8. We suggest you to use Desktop/Laptop/Tab/Notepad for more flexibility to fill this form.

Story What are Categories?

Choose Category
Describe your story
Upload Image* - Maximum 5 images and 1 video
Image Title *(Image titles should be comma(',') separated in the order of the selected images)
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